Navigation survey and spatial positioning
ZOGPI's platform-free inertial navigation system (INS) collects data on the spatialization of anomalies and the geometry of the main pipeline axis.
Safety through navigational examination!
  • Advantages
Controlling the spatial position of the pipeline is one of the objectives of the integrity maintenance program.
Controlling the spatial position of the pipeline is one of the objectives of the integrity maintenance program. Landslides, ground movements in permafrost conditions, and seismic activity are just some of the reasons that cause displacement of the pipeline axis and, as a consequence, the appearance of areas in a stressed and deformed state.

The navigational survey offered by ZOGPI is performed with high-precision navigation equipment of our own design. Navigation survey can be performed both within the framework of profilemetry and during the survey with magnetic or ultrasonic flaw detectors. As a result of the survey, our Customers receive accurate data on the spatial position of the pipeline, which is also used to assess the stress-strain state of the section.

The final report of the navigation survey also contains coordinates of defects and features of the diagnosed object, which facilitates localization on the ground during DDK and repair works.

  • Importance of the study

Determination of geodetic coordinates and spatial position of operating main pipelines (MP) is necessary for the following purposes:
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